
Each player starts with 5 Heros. The players need to choose the 5 Heroes before revealing them to the other player by placing them, then, both players can replace 2 of their Heroes if they wish to do so.

A player is disqualified if all of their Heroes are defeated, if one of their essential ressource is insufficient, or if they forfeit. The last man standing wins.

All cards have a different rarity, but better cards use more ressources. For Heroes, rarity only gives rarer abilities, but not a better chance at winning (in other words, a rarer Hero can better suit your gameplay, but won't necessarily make you win).

-Essential ressources: Water is used by every Hero once every 2 turns and can be purchased, found in event cards and created by certain spells and abilities. Food is used once every four turns by every Hero and Reinforcement (Food is gained the same way as Water). You gain 2 Water and 4 Food each turn.

-Ressources: Gold is used to purchase additional cards.
Each Spell card costs 2 gold with a maximum of 3 purchased cards per turn.
Each Reinforcement card costs 6 gold with a maximum of 1 purchased card per turn.
Each Food and Water card costs 1 gold with no capped maximum.
Each Equipment card costs 10 gold with a maximum of 1 purchased card per turn.

At the beginning of every turn, in addition of Food and Water, you gain one spell card and 5 Gold. You also gain a reinforcement card every three turns.

-Equipment: Enhances a Hero's stats. Each Hero can only have 1 piece of Equipment.

-Reinforcements: Cards that act similarily to Hero's, but have reduced hitpoints and damage output. Reinforcements rarely have abilities and do not require water. YOu can have a maximum of 5 Reinforcements at any point. Additional Reinforcements will be stored in reserve and are rendered unusable.

-Spells: Cards that can be used and any moment in your turn that have varying effects. You can only ready 5 spells at any point. Additional Spells will be stored in reserve and are rendered unusable.

-Event cards: Each player draws an event card at the beginning of every turn. These cards can have varying effects, detrimental or beneficial.

Every card is drawn at random from a shuffled deck of cards. Players draw cards from their own piles of cards except for event cards.

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