Welcome to Nust Games

Welcome to our site! We hope you enjoy our ideas and won't be too afraid to share yours in the forum!

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New Update!

Games Tab

The ''Games'' has been implemented in this new update. This tab shows you every current games and the upcoming ones with theirs changelogs if they have some.

You are given a short summary of the game...

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We, at Nust, have a Discord server for our community, to join it, you can use the following link: https://discord.gg/ER4X8P6

Everyone is welcome over there. But, every member of the staff team...

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CODE: Azimuth

As you may know, CODE is our first idea of a game to make. And here, we are happy to announce you that CODE is almost done and ready to beta test. Let’s have a look of the story behind...

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