Discord Rules

By KrazyPotatto

This page is dedicated to the rules in place on our Discord Server/Guild.

By joining our Discord, you acknowledge that you have read those rules and will behave as understood.

You shall first be polite with everyone. Which mean, no insult and be respectful. If this rule is not respected. You will receive a formal warning and then be muted if needed.

You must not be spamming nor flooding. Which imply no advertising nor inappropriate message nor undesirable link*. If this rule is not respected, staff members will be in obligation to take further action(s) [ Permanent ban + Removal of all messages + Will be reported to Discord's Trust and Safety Team (For undesirable link in the following categories: scam, pornography and illegal business ) ].
*Undesirable link: any irrelevant link(s), scam, pornography and illegal business.

You shall speak English in all channels, except from those dedicated for other languages.

If you were refer to this page from our Discord Server/Guild, to unlock access, type "^^roleme user" without the quotes on the channel "#read-before-unlocking-discord" .
If not, feel free to join with our invite link: https://discord.gg/ER4X8P6

If you have any questions ask them in the discussion section down below.

Status: Open