Devil's maze (Game concept)

By 34zoro34

A game focused on Dante's vision of Hell. 3D game. Plot: You are a fallen angel who was emprisoned by Lucifer himself. After an events, which ravaged Earth and God's sacred place, you are called to deviate the mischief of Lucifer.

You have to find a way out of Hell, to join the surface of Earth by crossing between the Nine circles of hell: Treachery,Fraudulance,Violence,Hersesy,Wrath,Greed,Gluttony,Lust,Limbo and Vestibule

There you will find all types of enemies

When the game is finished, when you reach Earth's surface you'll see a land scorched by war and battles resulting of Hell's war against Heaven. This leads to a sequel yet to be imagined.

Characters,Enemies, Lands, Cities and timeline are yet to be determined.

Status: Open